IGAP Concept & Methodology


IGAP works to help and empower some of the most vulnerable women in society, firstly through providing employment and secondly by helping them to develop their own businesses.

When a person earns a wage it helps to build self esteem and confidence. We believe this to be more beneficial than providing handouts which encourages a culture of dependency.

It is hoped that through enabling the members to earn an income for themselves that the benefit will be sustainable.


The project is divided into two phases.

Phase I:

The first phase provides direct employment to Child Mothers. The women are employed for eight months to make bead necklaces and bracelets from recycled paper. The women receive a monthly salary, 25% of which is put into a savings account. This savings is then used as seed capital, to help the women set up businesses, in the second phase. The women also receive business management and handcraft skills training, as well as English speaking and literacy courses.

Phase II:

In the second phase the women decide on the businesses they want to become involved in. They develop a business plan which we review and advise them on. They then use their savings to invest in starting up their businesses. The project manager, Fiona Oromah, meets with each member once a month to monitor their progress and to provide any additional support where appropriate.

The Income Generating Activity Project began in February 2008. The first phase was completed in October and so far progression onto the second phase has been very successful.